Our History
Advanced Solutions
After helping over tens of thousands of customers with their web presence and marketing, Buzzazz Business Solutions – founded by Kurtis Kintzel and Keanan Kintzel – around 2020, the company made another technological leap forward.
Over the years, Buzzazz always invested heavily into further research and development (R&D) which has paid off handsomely for our clients. The reason is we pride ourselves in having cutting edge technologies available for other business owners wanting to expand to the next level. As you probably know, there are seven main areas in any company or organization. They consist of Management, Human Resources, Marketing, Treasury, Delivery, Quality Control and Sales.
With decades of experience, knowing businesses need help in each of these areas, and with our vast array of technical and business experience; we recently rolled out a strong variety of solutions and Affiliate relationships for challenges someone might be facing in each of these areas.
As our company grows into helping other businesses with management solutions, we eagerly anticipate what the future may bring. It is an exciting time to be alive as entrepreneurs. Opportunity abounds. Our focus is to help narrow down workable solutions that can quickly resolve immediate, short term and eventually long term challenges. In that manner, we can become more of a strategic contractor for clients that harmonize with growth.
Check out Blue Hawk Exchange for more information.

Search & Social Marketing
Around 2007 the internet became a bit more congested. Businesses started to drop Yellow Page advertising by the droves, Google had already become a household word and people were looking for businesses on the internet in the millions. It became obvious we could no longer simply build a site with standard SEO (Search Engine Optimization) but would need to branch out and help at a much more advanced service level.
That year we developed our 1st OMBP (Online Marketing Business Plan). The OMBP was created to provide a much deeper education of internet marketing technologies along with a strong strategy for how a business could improve their presence. In essence we evolved into a first class SEO company. For the next 10 years, we helped thousands more with their web presence and advanced SEO so that they became better known in their respective niche markets. Of course, the end game was new leads and prospects – which Buzzazz has now helped companies create and receive untold numbers.

Web Design Experts
After helping hundreds of thousands of Telecom clients over a 15 year period, along with tremendous advances in cell phone Technologies and the golden opportunity to help a lot more businesses, the Kintzel’s made the decision in 2005 to transition their energies full time from Telecom to Buzzazz.
That year, the operations for Buzzazz was relocated to Florida, upgraded and enhanced so that it could handle a much larger volume of clientele. From 1999 thru 2005 Buzzazz was a leader in the creation and management of company websites.
Starting with Microsoft Front Page and moving to hard code design and eventually utilizing the full suite of Adobe HTML products – we created close to 5,000 websites during those first few years. We sold and delivered to clients all across America.

Entering The Digital Game
Always wanting to be Pirates from an early age, Kurtis and Keanan Kintzel are the co-founders and owners of Buzzazz Business Solutions. Buzzazz was launched in 1999 originally as “Galliant Enterprises”. Shortly thereafter the name was changed to “Total Biz 24/7” (TB247).
A few years later, it was upgraded to “Buzzazz” which came from a combination of the marketing words “Buzz” and “Pizzazz”.
Buzzazz was launched while the Kintzel’s were simultaneously running their telephone company. Although they were super busy, they had the foresight to envision the early advantages of becoming involved in the wonderful new and exciting digital world of the web.
Their early inspiration came from the frustration of not being able to locate decent local web design vendors.
After spending close to ten thousand dollars on a few websites for themselves, they decided to start their own company to offer a better service than what they were able to find.
So like many ventures, Buzzazz began with a simple decision to build a better mousetrap and then offer this service to other business owners as a tool that could help them expand as well.

Large Company Experience
They decided to start this venture with their family and friends with the purpose of providing large U.S. corporations (such as Tootsie Roll) located in downtown Chicago with a very important product – cost effective quality communications.
They launched this venture on a shoestring, with a simple written strategic plan and newfound amazingly workable business technologies. Several of their closest friends and family members joined them in this adventure and most certainly all of their lives were better off for the efforts put forth.

Nationwide Telecom Company
Evolving from the airplane and a few other direct sales experiences, the Kintzel’s launched Business Options Telecom services in the early 90’s starting off by reselling stellar AT&T and Sprint commercial services. The Kintzel’s varied & successful background within the world of direct sales provided a tremendous “launching” pad for their activities.
As far as they are concerned, there will always be a need for the American entrepreneurial spirit that helped them assist hundreds of thousands of American businesses and consumers save money for the valuable commodity of communications. As long as they are able, they will continue to help the American economy continue to lead the world in productivity.

American Aviation Aircraft Sales
After early retirement in 1987, their father, Craig Kintzel, put together a brilliant proposal to help Keanan and Kurtis launch their business careers, quite the alternative solution to the norm at the time of “get a job”…
The three Kintzel men combined their business strengths and created American Aviation, in Southern California, where they sold airplanes.
This occurred directly after Kurtis and Keanan completed their college studies and concurrent with their father’s airline retirement.
A legendary salesman, their father Craig, had the brilliant understanding that if he could help his sons launch a business career, they would never have to worry about work again.
American Aircraft Sales was launched by the Kintzel’s with an office located directly at John Wayne Orange County California Airport, looking over the runways.
The Kintzel’s started their aircraft brokerage business and made sales across the country. On occasion, the Kintzel’s even “ferried” aircraft across the country.
After a few “Near Miss” experiences as ferries, the younger Kintzel brothers decided professional direct sales would be a much safer journey than flying small planes through the night.
Ah, the experiences of youth that shape one’s future. These stories of course are available for either a good morning coffee or a late night brew. And with a bit of scotch, Captain Craig wills sit down and entertain you for hours with his harrowing USS Oriskany F8U Crusader night landing stories off the coast of Vietnam.

A Family Business
The Kintzel’s varied & successful background within the world of direct sales provided a tremendous “launching” pad for their activities. Even today Keanan and Kurtis Kintzel continue to work together expanding a very successful enterprise that they first started over 30 years ago back in 1987.
They flourished in childhood, as young adult businessmen and throughout their entire business careers. Throughout their career, Kurtis and Keanan Kintzel have employed thousands of productive American citizens, sold & delivered millions in various services, and strived to make society better wherever they could.
Kurtis Kintzel’s lifetime passion for helping youth baseball as a coach and tournament organizer (www.bombsquadtournaments.com) is well documented. He has assisted thousands of midwestern youth achieve some of their athletic dreams. Some of his former athletes are now enjoying collegiate and professional careers.
Keanan Kintzel has always had a philanthropic bent. As a youth, Keanan was a Methodist Acolyte, captain of various sporting teams, and helped in various community projects. While a member of his fraternity, Keanan became Chairman of their Philanthropic activities where they became Intra Fraternity champions by helping with numerous projects.
In the past few years, Keanan and Buzzazz have helped the Community Service Foundation, a wonderful local community non profit organization that assists people with affordable housing and homeless initiatives. See www.csfhome.org and GoingHomeClearwater.org for more information.
Keanan and Kurtis and their families are also active members of the Concerned Businessmen’s Alliance of Tampa Bay, the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce, The Cleveland Street Business Alliance, The Downtown Clearwater Development Board, and their church where they donate large amounts of time and money to a variety of social betterment campaigns.

Indiana University – Kurtis Kintzel
After studying aviation at Purdue University, Kurtis Kintzel completed his business studies at Indiana Universities Business College in 1987. Having a very competitive and well traveled childhood that was filled with business studies, adventures and organized athletics, Kurtis always knew business ownership would be his destiny.
Kurtis excelled in mathematics, business, snow skiing, swimming, fishing, basketball, aviation and direct sales as well as team sports like football, basketball and baseball. These areas of excellence would of course provide a perfect leadership background for building and running his own business ventures, which he has now done for three decades.
Along the way, Kurtis has always found time to give back to the community. He has been very active with youth sporting programs and to this day still runs an annual baseball tournament with hundreds of teams and thousands of participants.

ERAU & Arizona State Universities – Keanan Kintzel
Along with this tremendous business and direct sales success, the Kintzel family has now also enjoyed a long love affair for Aviation. Kurtis learned to fly light planes and became licensed at Purdue University’s prestigious Aeronautical School.
Keanan continues to fly general aviation light twin engine aircraft today even though opting for a career in business. A graduate of ASU’s Aeronautical Technology Department. Keanan spent a couple of years in Prescott, Arizona at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU). He became a licensed pilot and has not totally lost the bug for flying.
While many of his fellow students at ERAU and Arizona State University have moved on to stellar careers with the military and commercial airlines, Keanan Kintzel chose a different – yet still harrowing – career in the field of direct sales entrepreneurship. Same type of doldrums interrupted by white knuckle moments…

Amway Leadership Club
The impetus and business ownership mentality for Kurtis and Keanan Kintzel’s entrepreneurial nature stems directly from their own competitive upbringing along with their families successful history in private business enterprises.
The Kintzel’s parents built one of the largest direct sales organizations in the world. To this day there are still hundreds of thousands of Amway distributors worldwide selling billions of products – all as a direct result of their parents successful leadership.
Leadership is sometimes difficult to quantify. It is that “X” factor that the Michael Jordan’s of the world seem to possess naturally. In Amway, the founders Rich Devon and Jay VanAndel had that same X factor. And they were able over the decades to teach and instill the wisdom of building stable ethical home based business principles to millions of their distributors worldwide.

Indiana Midwestern Roots
Keanan’s grandmother was forever threatening to marry him off Amish – but Keanan apparently had other plans. He was introduced to his lovely wife Doria through her sister and his friend in Chicago.
Arriving from Switzerland, Doria has brought the fine-tuned culture of Europe back into the family. They and their three children now live in Florida near Buzzazz.
Their Grandparents are direct descendants of European settlers that helped create the magnificent farmlands of the midwest which was partially responsible for “feeding” the Wild West expansion of this country.

Purdue University
Most of Kurtis and Keanan Kintzel relatives attended Purdue University.
Grandpa Joe was on the wrestling team and married Grandmother Marian. Marian Kintzel used to tell the story of “helping” Mr. John Wooden through their English class.
Since no-one else was around to testify, her word is as good as Purdue gold.
Thus, the lore of the Kintzel family having a special direct connection, and possible magic touch with John Wooden (Purdue point guard 1932) graduating college and then coaching UCLA to ten NCAA championships.
The Kintzel’s Uncle, Aunt and cousins (Purdue Alumni) continue to operate one of the oldest and most successful family hardware / natural gas supply businesses within Indiana.
All of this small business history instilled a basic foundation of quality customer service – a vital necessity for anyone wanting to survive and have longevity – the small market businessman’s cornerstone is always service.

Top Gun Pilot – Craig Kintzel
The Kintzel’s father, Craig Kintzel, is another genetic link to entrepreneurship – Purdue University Aeronautical Engineer, Navy F8-U Fighter Pilot, Vietnam Veteran, Top Gun Pilot and Boeing DC-10 American Airlines Captain. Their Dad developed a very successful secondary career within the Direct Sales Industry and continues to consult and work there.
Craig likes to reminisce about his 1st business venture which was the purchase, raising, feeding and nurturing of a state fair blue ribbon pig – that of course was slaughtered for a nice little profit…
Kurtis and Keanan Kintzel’s paternal grandparents (Purdue Alumni) were successful school teachers, farmers and option traders in an Amish community of Indiana just outside of South Bend – home of Notre Dame University.

Eagle Island Enterprises
Their mom Sandra Ames (Johnson Kintzel) built and operated one of the largest Amway direct sales organizations in the world. It has been responsible for literally Billions of gross sales since the 60’s. Sandra’s business spirit was indoctrinated at a very early age from her parents who owned and operated a family corner grocery store in Hammond, Indiana (near East Chicago) for well over 40 years.
Like many other Americans, the Kintzel’s great grandparents were adventurous souls that came from Europe to build their Dreams.
The Kintzel’s Step Father, Doctor John Ames, was a very well-known Northwest Indiana Dentist and retired at the ripe young age of 85, after practicing his craft for almost 60 years. Dr Ames provided a lot of community dental work for those that could not afford care; this charitable work provided a strong foundation for the Kintzel’s own community involvement.