People Have To Actually See Advertising For It To Work
Perhaps the greatest hurdle in advertising is visibility—especially online. The internet is huge. Big to the point even attempting to put it into an understandable measurement is an exercise in brain melting. And in that sea of noise, there is a lot of difficulties in making oneself known to the public.
It’s not like being around Clearwater and advertising a shop. You can’t walk up to people you know as they pass by and tell them about a new restaurant. Not when it comes to the internet. Attempts like that in digital spaces seem like spam, even when it’s coming from a friend. Places like Nature’s Food Patch, Kara Lynn’s Kitchen on Cleveland Street, Manos Bakery Cafe, etc. are all good real world restaurants, but because they are not huge brands with large social media followings, they are in practically the same wheelhouse as any small person or group trying to advertise on the internet.
And, so, that begs the question of what to do. If you are a physical place trying to advertise online, what do you do? Similarly, if you run an online-only business, what can you try? How can someone rise above the masses?
Now, magic bullets do not exist, but you can do the usual: make content which people want to consume, follow along with what’s trending, go for shock or scandal, or just have good quality products (a rarer thing online than one would hope). And these are all legitimate tactics, but beyond that, beyond the standard approaches or the sleazy options, other methods of advertising oneself exist. And though it might take a few articles to cover them all, I will endeavor to discuss some of the other methods of getting eyeballs in front of your stuff.
Because if we have a shortage of something on the internet, its attention. And like money, you’ll need it to survive as a company or organization.
Advertising Is A Matter of Keeping Up The Customer’s Interest
So, the first advertising method I want to cover may sound like a strange one: but images. I don’t care if you sell tiny pieces of computer technology, you still need to spread images. To my eternal chagrin, with the speed and half-concentrated way we interact with our technology, images are way more likely to catch the eye. Reading, and I consider this a positive trait, requires one to pay attention to absorb the experience. Movies or other media require concentration, sure, but it’s more mandatory with books and articles. And people, sadly, often don’t have time to stop and read too many words. But an image will stick with them. An image will hold if it is striking. Be it funny, or sad, or visually pleasing, if it plucks a chord, it will hold in people’s minds.
So, that’s what you do first. Find something connected to what you make and sell and commit it to the visual arts. And, once you’ve completed my first assignment, we can move to the next part of this. The logical forward step from still images: the moving picture.
So, until then.
If you liked this article, you can read more of Brandon Scott’s work on The Hive, or at his website: