Christmas Is The Season Of Advertising New Gadgets

What are you hoping to get for Christmas? I know you can’t tell me because I’m words on a screen, but it is something all observers of the holiday think about. If you are living in a first world country, your answer will probably include some sort of technical device. I mean, with the iPhone and Samsung and Google devices coming out whenever there is a modicum of an update to what we can do with present hardware, and those same products are made readily available all over the place at tech shops like the Sprint Store or Target or hhgreg in Clearwater Mall, it’s easy to see why this happens. Especially among the younger people of the world, myself included. Christmas is the one time (outside of a birthday) where it is socially acceptable to ask for items of a ridiculous price tag. And the reason that this happens, the reason we all go along with it, is in no small part because of advertising.

And I mean this in both “social advertising”, and actual on-the-screen advertising. Sure, the festive ads for getting the latest smartphone can certainly make the idea appealing, but it’s also because of the social expectations of Christmas. Beyond the previously mentioned acceptance of asking for big stuff like a television and not thinking it odd, there’s also the ingrained idea of the specialness of Christmas. Left over from when we were kids, or perhaps still in full effect with children we may have.

Opening presents under the tree is such a necessity, such a staple, such a preconceived absolute, that to defy the tradition would be madness, and the smile of a kid getting the thing they dreamed about we recall as so special, by our own experiences, that we never want to let go of it from the world.

Now, I usually am willing to point out when capitalism is being its usual flawed—but the best system we have—self. But, in this case, I am part of the problem. I too use the advertising phrase burned right into the mental dictionary of people which is: “come on, it’s Christmas”.

Those Are The Caroling Words Of Christmas Advertising

Come on, Bobby should get a new phone. Cynthia that iPad. And Terry the new shiny Xbox or PlayStation. After all, it’s Christmas. We’re told Santa rewards the nice, and thus we expect to get a big reward if we are—or even if were not. And, if there’s somehow nothing under the tree (even if the alternative is only something I bought and wrapped for myself), then I too would feel sad and like Christmas did not come.

Sure, materialism is not inherent to the holiday, and should not be. But that doesn’t mean it’s not part of it for many people. And I do not fault those who have the means to expect the newest tech gadget. The knowledge of someone caring enough to find the right thing, and wrap it, and the joy of new tech as the year comes close to the end, is a Christmas memory. It does stay with a person.

Now, don’t be greedy. Don’t be demanding. The thought is, above all, what counts, but if you really do want the new tech: put it on the list. You might not get it, dear reader. But, if that’s what you want for Christmas, there’s (usually) no harm in adding it.

Just don’t let the advertising consume all of yourself. And always remember to give, no matter what you receive.

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